Friday, July 11, 2008


Fail: a popular meme on the Internet when someone really messes something up. But this is the new theme for our workouts. We are now required to perform most of our workouts until we experience muscle failure. We're not talking burning on fatigue here, we're talking failure.

Wow. This is exceptionally tough for me. I know that it's mind over matter, that I have to push myself to keep going, but that is so much tougher than it sounds. When I was jumproping today, I began to tell myself all the good things that I now am, and all the bad things that I am now not. It really helped, and it would help even more to have someone screaming at you not to quit; but we're our own drill sergeants here.

Wish me luck. I am really going to need it.


Patrick said...

You get used to the feeling after a while and don't freak out about it so much.

Corry said...

Wanted to wish you a FANTASTIC month of failure! YOU CAN DO THIS! We're gonna be superheros!

Sean said...

Let's rock this boat here, man. We'll all succeed at failing gloriously and feel good about doing it. Good luck to you in this last month here man (the last month already, that kind of snuck up didn't it? crazy stuff).

Brett said...

sheri and i just checked out your transition photos... WOW. You look FANTASTIC!!!